Lives With A Purpose Foundation is a non-profit organisation whose core focus is to provide emotional support to communities without discrimination of financial affordability.
South Africa is a criminal hub that affects all aspects of the community and an individual’s ability to break negative and ineffective coping skills that ripple throughout society, debilitating everyone exposed to the trauma of crime, loss and violence. At Lives With A Purpose Foundation, we believe that many criminal activities are a result of unaddressed trauma and the lack of coping skills to break the cycle of learned behaviour and environmental trauma:
To heal our communities is:
- Each person’s responsibility – because we live in the community and who we are and
how we function affects those around us and vice versa, and
- To be effective in (a), we need to have a firm foundation and appreciation of who WE as individuals are – then we know how and where to contribute to our own lives and those around us.
We appeal to you and/or your organisation to participate in our program to build a stronger emotionally healthy community by helping to combat:
- Individual trauma
- Community trauma
- Workplace trauma
- Learned & repetitive domestic abuse
- Gang violence
- Gender based violence
- Dis-empowerment
- Hopelessness
- Suicide
- Poverty mindset
…The list goes on
By completing this Participation Form, you agree to the Memorandum of Understanding with Lives With A Purpose Foundation to provide your services as indicated in one of the following mediums. Client-patient confidentiality is to be maintained with the understanding of any criminal cases that may require disclosure as part of an ongoing investigation. In this instance, the legal framework of extrapolating relevant information will be applied
The completion and acceptance of this consent to participate in the Lives With A Purpose Foundation Emotional Health Support Programme grants permission for Lives With A Purpose Foundation to advertise your details and services on the Lives With A Purpose Foundation website and Social Media pages. Consultations may be Online or in-person and are dependent on the client’s needs about the service provided by you or your organisation.
An annual registration fee of R1,000.00 will be applicable to join this programme. As a non-profit organisation, registration fees are used to build a reserve to assist with any financial support that a client may require in obtaining emotional support – practical or other.