Lives With A Purpose Foundation is a non-profit organization whose core focus is on providing emotional support to communities in collaboration with South African Police Services (SAPS) Christian Police Association (CPA) and Community Policing Forums and related Crime Prevention/Response Units.

This is achieved in 3 specific approaches:


  • Volunteer Trauma Debriefer and assisting with creating Trauma Teams in the
    absence of this support in the community
  • Emotional Health Representatives in the corporate businesses

Emotional Support network

  • Network of counselors as well as medical and health practitioners to provide
    affordable and ongoing support to the larger community.

Free Debriefing

Organization Overview

Founded in 2017 and registered as a non-profit organization in 2019.

The devastation of a traumatic experience cannot be overcome without necessary emotional support! The repercussions spill into communities affecting households, corporate bottom lines and play a significant role in criminal activity!

As the owner of Trauma Cleansing the stark recognition of the necessity for emotional support became increasingly evident. Recognising the lack of sufficient trained support led to establishing Lives With A Purpose Foundation.

The initial intention was to provide emotional support to the clients of Trauma Cleansing, an organization conducting post death/injury scene cleaning. Providing the essential service of cleaning a scene following a traumatic incident, including natural death, interrupts and minimizes the possibility of Secondary trauma to family, friends or first responders attending the scene.

The effects of uninterrupted and/or processed trauma has long-lasting and devastating repercussions to individuals, families and the communities wherein they function.

There are insufficient and mostly non-equipped volunteers to assist SAPS (South African Police Services), Community Safety & Policing Forums and First Responders in dealing with a Survivor/Victim on or post a traumatic event.

There are multi-faceted benefits having Trauma Teams that operate within the constitution of SAPS & various crime-fighting/responding Community Forums. They are an extremely essential element in providing an effective platform that assists with obtaining relevant information on an incident and helping an individual understand and manage the effects of a traumatic event. This in turn assists with a healthy and effective reintegration into a normal functioning pattern.

It is a fact that Hurting People, Hurt other People…! And it is the opinion of Lives With A Purpose Foundation that this emotional pain plays a significant role in criminal activity.

Supportive Statistics:

“60% of boys who were bullies in middle school had at least one criminal conviction by the age of 24”
“In 12 of 15 school shooting cases in the 1990s, the shooters had a history of being bullied.”

As per Stomp Out Bullying article, with reference to information

[1] The CDC, Preventing Youth Violence, 2017

[2] The Cyberbullying Research Center


Organization Objectives

Lives With A Purpose Foundation recognises the dire and essential assistance needed in our communities.

The core focus of Lives With A Purpose Foundation, is to provide communities with affordable emotional and psychological support. This service is an additional resource to the free support that is provided.

Bridging the gap between VEP (Victim Empowerment) and the Community Safety & Policing Forums by assisting in providing a supportive network of trained volunteers. These take the form of Trauma Debriefers/Counselors working with First Responders within the SAPS framework on a national platform throughout South Africa.

It is imperative to understand that Lives With A Purpose Foundation does not claim ownership nor influence any Trauma Team.

Lives With A Purpose Foundation is a supportive infrastructure to help facilitate the training, guidance and establishment of Trauma Teams within the various SAPS jurisdiction.

Key Objectives:

  • Provide training for Trauma Debriefers with the object of uniformity throughout various communities, ensuring a basic understanding of trauma and how to approach an individual in an immediate or post trauma situation.
  • Equip communities with effective Trauma Debriefers. Assist with recruiting, training and establishing Trauma Teams within the various communities.
  • Ensure ongoing training to Trauma Debriefers and First Responders to a scene. Protocol and related training in understanding the roles of SAPS and related tactical response teams and various crime scenes. These include domestic violence, rape, suicide, murder, home invasion.
  • To further equip the corporate and hospitality sectors with trained Emotional First Aiders (Mental Health Representative), by providing training as part of their Mandatory skills training
  • Provide extended emotional health programmes from professional health service providers. Available to monthly subscribers to our Emotional Health Membership Service package for funding.
  • Provide a supportive database for SAPS in the form of a reporting and recording system of case logs for all trauma attended incidents. This information will be distributed to the various SAPS stations on behalf of the Trauma Teams, or held on our database and made available on request to the Station Commander. This service appears to be a necessary support to SAPS. Many Trauma Teams do not provide these reports to their immediate SAPS station as they are mostly unaware of their reporting hierarchy within SAPS and their responsibilities as Trauma Debriefers in the framework of community liaison and services.


Non-Profit organizations rely on financial support in the framework of donations, sponsorships and grants/government or council funding.

Lives With A Purpose Foundation has a 3-year projected self-sustainable model. This can only be realized on the procurement of initial funding through various grants and sponsorships.

International Alliances

Although started in South Africa, emotional trauma is a collective pandemic and should be addressed as such. Sharing ‘Best Practice’ approaches is a healthy and necessary attitude. It allows for bridging cultural differences and encourages growth and sustainability in slower developed environments.

Every organization has a niche, Lives With A Purpose Foundation’s international niche, is equipping ‘pockets’ of trained ‘emotional paramedics’ to help support their own communities through challenging and hurting experiences.

We hope that you will see our niche as a valuable offering in forming an alliance with your network of services.

Committee Members:

Catherine Wheeler

Managing Director & Chairperson

Alex Luthuli


Jocelyn Wheeler

Counselling Coordinator

Karen Smith


Freda da Horta


Paula Hall

Debriefing Coordinator

Nozipho Khanyile

Training Coordinator

General Members:

Alex Luthuli